Instant Access Service to 0Day vulnerabilities
Usually it takes about 3 monthes for 0days researched in our lab to be published in our Exploit Packages like SCADA+ package.
But some of our clients do NOT want to wait and need "Instant Access" to 0Day vulnerabilities on earliest stage of development. This service is mostly focused on ICS/SCADA, but also Medical, Defense and general software is covered.
Instant 0Day Access Service Features:
- Additional content Additional modules are available via that service!
- Instant Access to latest 0days of ours with just one "get updates" click No need to wait monthes to receive critical info
- 0 Days for SCADA 3-5 0Days during a month for ICS or SCADA software
- NOT only SCADA vulns BONUS: Zero Days from other packages are also covered by that service
Latest "InstantAccess" Updates - refer here
For how to buy information - refer here